From Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak (Regarding the Russian Revolution):

From Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak (Regarding the Russian Revolution):
".....If you charged someone with the task of creating a new world, of starting a new era, he would ask you first to clear the ground. He would wait for the old centuries to finish before undertaking to build the new ones, he'd want to begin a new paragraph, a new page.

"But here, they don't bother with anything like that. This new thing, this marvel of history, this revelation, is exploded right into the very thick of daily life without the slightest consideration for its course. It doesn't start at the beginning, it starts in the middle, without any schedule, on the first weekday that comes along, while the traffic in the street is at its height....."
They cut down the trees, they burned them, they even pulled up a few stumps. The roots, they were simply buried too deep...They are coming back to the surface now, springing forth new life, in the spectacular green of early spring....Strider

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My father, who took everything this world could throw at him and still came out smiling. To the memories of his brothers. One made it through the Soviet worker camps to see his children again in their ancestral homeland. The other, unfortunately, executed in a Soviet prison. My father's children live on in the comfort of the United States. His brother's children, my cousins, returned to their ancestral homeland in Germany after the breakup of the Soviet Union. All are doing quite well. I've heard there may still be a few relatives somewhere in the former Soviet Union. Maybe fate will lend a hand and this blog would somehow find its way around the world and summon them.

Familyologist, you'll never know how truly grateful I am for the inspiration you gave me so I may at last share this with the rest of the world. See "Followers" for more information.